Who are Magmaweld?
The MAGMAWELD brand came out as an analogy between the molten core of the earth, the MAGMA and the WELDPOOL. Since 1957, Magmaweld has been a manufacturer of welding consumables and equipment. These include Welding Ancillary Products, Stick Electrodes, MIG/MAG & TIG Wires, Flux Cored Wires, Submerged-Arc Wires and Fluxes.

Flux Cored Wire
Metal Flux Cored Welding Wire, slagless metal powder cored electrode with outstanding welding properties in the short-arc and spray arc range. Weld metal has very high toughness and charpy impact resistance, so it is suitable and reliable to use down to -40°C. Almost spatter-free when welding in the spray-arc range with mixed gas. Good restriking, even with cold wire tip, thus being suitable for robot application. Characteristic features high deposition rate and welding speed, good side wall fusion, finely rippled welds, without undercutting into the base metal, not even on contaminated or corroded metal surfaces. Little formation of silicates on weld surface, so that multi-pass welds can be made without cleaning. Due to its easily controllable weld pool in the short-arc range, FCW 21 is well-suited for root-and positional welding and gap bridging.
Rutile Type Flux Cored Wire with fast-freezing slag. Especially designed for welding with CO2 (carbon dioxide) gas, in shipbuilding and steel construction. Owing to its easily controllable weld pool, electrode is well suited for positional welding with higher currents, resulting in increased deposition rates. Its special vacuum packing provides low diffusible hydrogen level in weld metal, in the case of proper handling and storage conditions. Electrode of 1.20 mm in diameter is also suitable for vertical-down welding. Low spatter loss, easy slag removal in the fillet and narrow grooves, finely ripped pore-free welds blending into base metal without undercut.
MMA Electrodes
Parweld offers a range of Magmaweld MMA Welding Electrodes. These include; Hardfacing, Nickel, Iron Powder, Low Hydrogen (abbreviated to L.H.) and Stainless Steel Rutile (abbreviated to S.S. Rutile). As well as, the Mild Steel set of E6013 and E6012 Electrodes.
Magmaweld MMA Electrodes are ideal for metal construction projects and workshop welding manufacturing processes.

Shop Magmaweld
Magmaweld E70C-6M H4 Wire
Metal Cored (FCW 21A)
Magmaweld E71T-1M Wire
Rutile Flux Core (FCW 12)
Magmaweld ENiFE-CI Nickel Electrodes
ENI 416 (Iron Core)
Magmaweld E312-16 S.S. Rutile Electrodes
EI 312 for Dissimilar and Cladding Applications
Magmaweld E308L-16 S.S. Rutile Electrodes
EI 308L (Rutile Electrodes)
Magmaweld E307-26 S.S. Electrodes
EIS 307 (For Dissimilar Steels)
Magmaweld E6013 Electrodes
ESR 11